We’ve all met positive, upbeat people.  Their energy is vibrant and contageous.  Unlike “Energy Drainers” who bring you down, these inspirational Energizer Bunnies share their happiness and lift you UP–even when you’re having a bad day. 

Sandy Weston is one of those people.  There isn’t anything she can’t do–because she truly believes in herself.  So many people go through life being afraid of trying new things because it’s scary to get outside of your comfort zone.  But, if you put enough energy into retraining the way you think, you can transform yourself into a super positive person.

Sandy, who was one of the inspirational speakers at my first Just You, Only Better Workshop,wears many hats.  She’s a wife and mother, a public speaker, a well-known television personality, founder of the H-30 Workout System and the owner of Weston Fitness Center in Philadelphia.  She was also the first female trainer to work with the Phildelphia Flyers.  Talk about believing in yourself–being the first woman to  train a bunch of hockey players–now that takes guts.

She ends her emails with 3 simple words:  ALL GOOD THINGS.  Sandy’s thoughts and actions scream ALL GOOD THINGS.  We should all get in the habit of thinking ALL GOOD THINGS every single day.

But the thing I love the most about Sandy is her ability to make people feel good about themselves.  Her mission is to change the world…one smile at a time…and I believe she can do it.

Sandy is adamant that you should start EVERY day with the following routine.  It only takes a few minutes so carve out the extra time.  Not onlywill it make you feel better, it will help change the way you see yourself, strengthen your relationships with your friends and family and positively impact your life.

While drinking your morning coffee or tea, take out a notebook and do the following:

1..  Take 5 deep breaths.  In our hectic lives, we don’t take enough time to breathe deeply.  Yoga and pilates, rely heavily on this very important, yet simple exercise.  You’ll clear your mind and  get yourself ready to complete the next 4 things on your list.

2.  Write down five things you’re grateful for.  This list is endless so choose your five things each day wisely.

3.  Send love and positive thoughts to 5 people.  You may know someone  who is going through a difficult time and that’s an easy call.  What’s not so easy is to send love to a person who is not particularly nice to you.  Try it and see how you feel.  It’s amazng.

4.  Write five positive affirmations about how you really want to be.  These are not statements about who you are today, but rather who you want to be.  For example, if you’re insanely shy but have been asked to give a company update at your next staff meeting, you may tell yourself:  “I am an amazingly articulate and polished speaker.  It comes naturally to me.”  I know it sounds strange,but if you keep telling yourself that over and over, you’ll become a more confident speaker.

5.  Write down 5 things you want to get done today.  Without a list, we often get caught up in unimportant busywork and fail to get the things done that really matter.  You’ll feel great at the end of the day knowing you accomplished everything you intended to do.

Practice this routine every day for a week and let us know how it’s impacting your life.  Sandy and I will be anxious to hear your stories.

All Good Things,
